Sunday, February 9, 2014

Blog Post #4

What is most important for a teacher to remember is that we are doing a service. Teaching isn't simply a job. It is a duty to our students to make sure they learn as much as they can from us. With that being said, questioning is a very important part of learning. Since our obligation is to our students, we need to make sure we are questioning them effectively.

There are so many ways to ask students questions, but which of these ways is actually helping them learn? As an English teacher, my classes will partake in discussions. Those type of classes are perfect for using questioning methods. In a discussion setting, you want every student to be involved, and one way to get them involved is with questions. When discussing a book or a certain work in an English class, sometimes there are questions with no right or wrong answers. This can be really great for getting the students to think critically and form their own solutions. There are some tips on The Teaching Center website that I feel are very helpful in regards to questioning.

Having questions prepared ahead of time is very useful. In class discussions, sometimes students can get off topic. I want my students to be able to express themselves and think critically, but I also want to make sure they are staying on task. It is also important to ask only one question at a time. Sometimes one question can have multiple answers, so more than one student can share what they know. Another strategy I feel could be useful is to ask the students to elaborate. Asking a student how they came to the conclusion that they did encourages them to think deeper and not simply answer the original question.

The Teacher's response is also very important when questioning students. Perhaps one of the most important ways to respond to a student answering a question is to make sure they know you care about what they are saying. Pay attention to the student answering the question. It can be very encouraging for that student, and it can help them be more open to answering questions in the future. It is also important to not interrupt the student when they are answering the question. Students are more likely to open up in class when they feel comfortable, and following these guidelines can help the student gain that confidence.

The Right Way to Ask Questions in the Classroom
Three Ways to Ask Better Questions in the Classroom
Asking Questions to Improve Learning

Students raising their hands


  1. "Since our obligation is to our students, we need to make sure we are questioning them effectively." I couldn't agree more. Questions can make a world of difference. It can be the distinction between listening and understanding for some students. I also like concur with your following statement: "Pay attention to the student answering the question. It can be very encouraging for that student, and it can help them be more open to answering questions in the future." You are right. I takes a lot of courage for some students to answer a question, to even participate at all, and they need to feel like their input was appreciated. Great job on your blog post!

  2. Good job but remember to include links and an image. Links will give the readers access to what you're talking about.
